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A Mixed Media Installation

Transparent tanks, compost, artificial fruit (containing expanded polystyrene / styrofoam), Zophobas Artatus (superworm), pestalotiopsis microspora (fungus), compostable packaging material, soil, produce stickers, environmental sensor



Post-Compost is an expansion, critique, and inquiry into the process of composting through the juxtaposition of 'real' and 'fake' compost. The 'fake' process is aided by agents found in the environment - worms and fungi. The process-based project hopes to bring to mind what may still be in the environment 'post-compost', or what will be leftover after 'organic' matter decomposes. It also hopes to complicate the common 'natural / artificial' dichotomy by placing 'all organic' produce stickers on the artificial fruits, perhaps allowing the spectator to realize that even plastics are 'organic' in the sense that they also come from the environment.


A nearby sensor measures the lack of decomposition in the 'fake' compost, which may point back to both the materiality of the device and the limits of measurement itself within a human temporality. 


The project consists of three main phases:

1: Allowing the 'control variable' of the fake and real compost to stand by. 

2: Introducing the independent variable, the 'superworm', to a separate tank.

3: Collecting the feces of the superworm, turning it into a substrate for the fungi to propagate.

3.5: Once the fungi forms, feeding more plastic to it. 




Documentation Video COMING SOON

Phase 1: Comparison and juxtaposition of 'real' and 'artificial' compost. 

Phase 2: 'nature's little helpers'

Phase 3: Coming soon... 

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